
Reiki treatments: sequence of 3 or 4* : £85 per treatment

  Each session lasts approximately two hours. 

  There is a consultation to explore your reasons for seeking treatment, followed by a gentle hands-on treatment on the couch.

  It is recommended that you receive the four treatments no longer than one month apart to maximise the healing benefits.

Reiki Distant Healing, tailor-made for your individual needs,

wherever you are:  £45 per session

  Reiki sent to help resolve a range of issues, such as physical or mental health, upcoming events, life challenges.

Taster session: £45 per session

  This is a one-off sitting treatment with no consultation, lasting   approximately half an hour.

Crystal Reiki Treatments: sequence of 3 or 4* : £95 per treatment

In these treatments I work with the natural healing power of crystals.

These Reiki treatments are delivered with the laying on of crystals. I work with a highly sophisticated toolkit which is finely tuned to deliver powerful healing configured to the client’s requirements.

Reiki brings out the true healing potential of crystals and the treatments can be extraordinary and transformational.
