
What is Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle healing therapy which maximises well-being by cleansing and replenishing the body’s subtle energy system.  By eliminating blocks and rebalancing the body’s natural flow, Reiki enables our systems to heal past trauma, injury or worn-out patterns.

Literally translated, Reiki means:
Rei = Universal,
Ki = Chi, Prana, or Life Force Energy. 

It is pronounced ‘Ray Key’.

Reiki healing is both complementary and alternative to Western Medicine.

Photo: Marek Piwnicki

The Golden Reiki Way

A lot has been written about the history of Reiki.  Here I will focus on The Golden Reiki Way.

The Golden Reiki Way is the name given to the lineage of the school in which I trained.  This is the line of energy which runs from the first Master through each succeeding practitioner to the present day. I am at the eleventh position in my lineage.

Reiki originated in Tibet around 2500 years ago, but became lost, until its rediscovery by Dr Mikao Usui in the late 1800s.  He was a Japanese gentleman scholar, who spent many years researching religions, seeking to adopt and learn a sacred healing practice.  Finally, when studying Sanskrit, he came across symbols which described how Buddha did his healing.  He decided to meditate and fast on the sacred mountain. Kurayama, seventeen miles from Kyoto.  Here, after a 21-day meditation, he received enlightenment! 

Dr Usui now had the tools for healing and so Usui Reiki Ryoho – Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing – was born. With this knowledge, Dr Usui dedicated his life to Reiki, and he treated many people until his death. He was recognised for his achievement by the Emperor of Japan. 

Before his death, Dr Usui passed the mantle of Grand Master to one of his most dedicated students, Dr Chujiro Hayashi.  It was he who began to first document and keep records.

Reiki was still only known in Japan, and it was becoming more and more popular. A Japanese / American, Madam Hawayo Takata, who was visiting Japan and very unwell, was guided to seek Reiki healing with Dr Hayashi.  After daily Reiki treatments over many weeks, she was cured and asked to learn this healing art.  Dr Hayashi consented, and Madam Takata spent many months studying under his instruction.

Madam Takata became the first Reiki Master outside of Japan.  She planned to begin Reiki healing in Hawaii with Dr Hayashi’s help. However, with the outbreak of the Second World War, Dr Hayashi died, and Madame Takata was left to continue his work in the USA.

Many of the core Eastern disciplines were lost, as Madam Takata was working in Hawaii where the teaching and values of the East were not so welcome after the war.

The cultural differences between East and West are still evident today.  This has been seen most recently in the Eastern and Western responses to Coronavirus and the wearing of masks!  It couldn’t have been easy for Madame Takata, nonetheless she worked tirelessly with Reiki, and helped to heal and train many people in her home and on the mainland.  However, she only initiated 22 Masters and left no direction for who was to succeed her when she died, so Reiki expanded in many different directions.

Photo: Ryutaro Tsukata

I feel hugely honoured and grateful to be a part of The Golden Reiki Way Lineage.

It is a part of the Usui System of Natural Self-Healing and has a direct connection to clean Usui Reiki.

This lineage has 5 Grand Masters with 3 from Japan and has been faithfully restored to its Shamanic roots. Shamanic Reiki draws upon ancient universal laws, systems and knowledge, equipping the Reiki Practitioner to enable harmonious healing at all levels. 

Under the teaching of Grand Master Christopher Massey, this lineage is remarkable for being digital, to match and reflect our digital age.  Consequently, I have been attuned to the 10 major energy centres, or Chakras, all the way to my feet and beyond.  This is tremendously important, as in order to work with Reiki energy (and in life) one must always be grounded and have a secure and stable foundation!

Just for today, do not worry.
Just for today, do not anger.
Honour your parents, teachers and elders.
Earn your living honestly.
Show gratitude for everything.