My Story

My story began 15 years ago, in a place of enormous grief and fear.  Reiki literally saved my life at a turning point, a critical moment of change, and has since transformed my life beyond what I had believed was possible.

Having lost my mother shortly before becoming a mother myself for the first time, I buried my grief, persisted in unhealthy relationships, and felt lost.  I experienced a profound depression which led to me being picked up by the Mental Health System.  Following a course of anti-depressants and CBT, I was functioning well enough to be signed off.  But some time afterwards, I began to feel the symptoms creeping back.  Through a chance conversation with a friend, I was introduced to Grand Master Christopher Massey, with whom I underwent a series of treatments.  The healing I received was so transformational, I immediately began to train in his School, and continue to develop my practice under his guidance.  This personal upward trajectory continues to amaze and delight me, and those I love.